Since 2004, Electro Depot has guaranteed the lowest price for household electronics and multimedia, without sacrificing quality. Every day, all year round, on average up to 20% cheaper, in over 100 stores in Europe and online.
In 2015, the retail concept was also introduced in Belgium. In a few years, it grew into a serious challenger. But Electro Depot has bigger ambitions and enlisted Bubka to help realize them.
Growth by design
Using Bubka’s RGM (Responsible Growth Model and the result of the collaboration between Bubka and Prof. Dr. Gino Verleye), we mapped out where the growth opportunities lay. “Our research indicated which brand attributes have the strongest correlation with market share. And how we can use them to differentiate ourselves from competitors. As a result, we know exactly which buttons to push to improve Electro Depot’s brand strength,” explains Wim Vermeulen, Director Strategy & Sustainability at Bubka.
We translated this into a radio campaign around with the leitmotif ‘You don’t have to choose’. Already after a few waves we see the effect of the model in action. Brand strength increases, precisely by improving the brand attributes on which the campaign focuses. In parallel, Electro Depot grabs substantial market share.
A little greener
So on to the next opportunity. Because our measurements also indicate that there is special potential for Electro Depot in sustainability. A theme that is high on the agenda within the group and around which Electro Depot can make very credible claims. Our model allows us to make the correlation between different sustainable initiatives and their impact on market share. That obviously makes choosing priorities a lot easier.
“Step by step, we are inserting sustainable elements into our campaigns,” Vermeulen continued. “In a first wave a few weeks ago, we did this around refurbished appliances. In the next phase, we are driving this further with new initiatives. For example, in the campaign running at the beginning of June on radio and in digital and Out Of Home, we are tackling the Repairability Index in a big way. Electro Depot is not waiting for Europe to introduce such a label. They are taking the lead and will be the first electro retailer to launch this concept in Belgium and explain it to consumers.”
The electro-consumer is ready to prefer sustainable over unsustainable. He wants to get rid of the feeling that something that is cheap is made to not last and dumped at the slightest defect. Electro Depot wants to reverse that feeling and indicate that “not expensive” can also be easily repairable. In doing so, Electro Depot becomes a gamechanger, and immediately sets the bar very high for the entire industry. “